The most advanced EXUP Emulator, microprocessor controlled, this device emulates the exact characteristics of the exhaust servo motor and its motor delay sweeps; keeps the ECU from displaying the dreaded check engine light. Weight is less than 1/2 an ounce. Replaces the bulky oem servo motor when upgrading to an aftermarket exhaust system.
12oClockLabs worries about what goes on behind the scene of an electrical device, and rather than just eliminate an engine code, we wanted our EXUP Emulator to mimic the exact characteristics of a real servo motor, so the bikes computer can’t tell the difference. Some of the other eliminators on the market lose their feedback position and require the bike’s computer to send compensation signals to readjust, or their feedback signal may be altered with varying supply voltage conditions, or they have highly inaccurate feedback position data. The 12oClockLabs EXUP Emulator is the only microprocessor controlled device that emulates the exact servo motor sweeping delays and position characteristics of your oem exup motor, it can stop and hold feedback positions as instructed at any sweep location; without loosing its feedback position, or floating around. Your bike’s computer can’t tell the difference between the 12oClockLabs EXUP Emulator, and the real servo motor. Hence a rock solid solution you’ll never have to worry about, and you can be confident your motorcycles computer won’t know the difference.
Emulates the function of Yamaha part numbers 2D1-85820-00-00, 2C0-85820-00-00, 5VY-85820-00-00, 5VY-85820-10-00; and may fit other Yamaha models with same type servo motor plug
EXUP-Y1 made by 12 O’ Clock Labs
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