
V Series Brake Pads

Original price was: $41.04.Current price is: $36.95.

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SKU: FA631VEBC Category:


EBC Brakes™ Semi-Sintered V-Pads™ are a new blended Semi-Sintered brake pad that combine the highest qualities of an organic brake pad with the endurance of a sintered equivalent brake pad. The V-Pad™ range have been dyno tested and prove to be longer lasting than other cheap sintered aftermarket brake pads. The Vee brake pad range are designed for the heavy cruiser/street-bike market as a replacement brake pad.

All EBC Organic brake pads now incorporate backing plates which are patented with the Nucap NRS hook retention system. This guarantees zero chance of brake pad de-bonding with corrosion or extended use. EBC recommend these brake pads are not for track or race use.
FA631V made by EBC